
Hi, I listened to a Periscope video and I had some pain in my neck/back area so I knew it was an unclean spirit, so I listened to the end and wow! I puked a lot, the spirit manifested and screamed as it came out of me and my neck got so tense and tight and felt a release. Praise the Lord!
Ryan K.
Northwest Territories, Canada
Thanks again for helping us connect with the healing God had for my life! I jotted some changes that I’ve noticed since that day.
It seems like the harshness in my life is gone. The block I felt between me and Jesus has been removed. There is a deep peace in my spirit. There is less brain fog. The attacks from the enemy feel that they are from the outside instead of the inside.
God bless you!
Mike G.
South Carolina
When I was very young I was exposed to sexual perversion. I can remember looking at porn and masturbating since I was five years old. Nothing sexual was off limits. I was molested by my sixth grade teacher. That took me to the next sexual level. Nothing was ever enough.
For years and years my sexual perversion controlled my life. Then, when I got older I started paying for sex to get rid the of pains in my life. I tried to fight that demon over and over, but could not beat it.
One day after I was tired and disgusted with my lifestyle, I said to myself I must have demons. When I was sleeping with these women I would pant like a dog and feel like it was not me doing these things. I would ask myself how a man like me that goes to church could be doing those evil things. I wanted to change but did not know how to do it.
One day, instead of looking for sex in the internet, I started looking for pastors that did exorcisms. Then I came across Invicta Ministries. At first, I didn’t have the courage to admit my sins. It took me months to finally visit Mark and Jana’s church. And then I had the courage to do a one-on-one private session.
Wow Wow Wow! What can I say? The one-on-one deliverance changed my whole life. I fell in love with Jesus and I haven’t done any of my sexual perversion things for ten months now! Every day I get closer to God. I am currently in ministry school and hope to help others with addiction.
Thank You, God, for putting Invicta Ministries in my path. Please continue to bless Mark, Jana and their family.
Noel A.
Miami, Florida
There is so much to say but I will be brief. Torment is real and scary and I have been thru deliverance before but this has been the most effective. I been thru years of just extreme turmoil. I can say my torment is gone and I’m learning so much in my journey and thru my process. Pastor Mark & Jana truly care and they desire for you to be FREE!!!
I recommend their Deliverance Services to everyone. They teach you and break things down so you truly understand and can fight. They will pray with you and are available. When you call them they actually answer the phone! I have gained much more than just deliverance!!! Freedom…Joy….Peace…no restrictions in studying God’s Word!!! I can go on and on.
Thank you so much Pastor Mark & Jana…..God in you is a breath of fresh air!!!
Yachele S.
Boynton Beach, Florida
Glory to God for both Pastor Mark and Jana, I watched your video Let My People Go! God used this scope to heal my emotions and anxiety. When you started Let My People Go! it blessed me so much that I watched the replay over and over again. I was even on the Superfan list for a long time.
I have been saved since the age of 7 years old and I am now 52. I have read the Bible cover to cover numerous times by the grace of God through the Holy Spirit. However, this means nothing because no matter how many times one reads the Bible we will always go through trials and need deliverance. As long as we are in this human body, we will need deliverance and healing.
God used your videos to heal me from my childhood traumas I did not even remember. God uses people for different ministries. I know God has used you both in deliverance and healing to let God’s people go to be free to worship Jesus through His Holy Spirit.
I thank Jesus for your ministry and will send many to you so they can see the glory of God in their lives. I love you both and thank you for allowing God to use you as vessels to set His people free!
Diane Divens
Los Angeles, California
I first came to Invicta Ministries in February. At the the time I was going through intense physical and spiritual torment. I had no idea what was going on with me.
Through my research I was referred to Pastor Mark and Pastor Jana and from the very first day, I was given an understanding of what was happening to me. Pastor Mark reassured me that everything was going to be OK.
I have undergone two deliverance sessions so far and can tell you that my torment has greatly diminished. I thank God for Pastor Mark and Pastor Jana they have given me hope and peace to deal with my torment.
I will forever be grateful for them and their ministry.
I sought deliverance after a series of years of failed relationships and cycles of confusion that has continued throughout my life of 35 years. After I had enough pain, I decided to consider that maybe the problem was with ME!
I had gone through some deliverance in the past, but this was more thorough. Pastor Mark patiently explained how a link of demonic connections held me in bondage.
I am grateful for his time with me, and recommendation to follow up and continue to resist the enemy in my life! Thank you Pastor Mark for your care, and including teaching and inner healing during our session.
Blessings in and through Jesus Christ!
Joshua E.
You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the LORD will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the LORD will be with you.
2 Chronicles 20:17 (NIV)