Private Session.
Private Sessions for Individuals
We call these Deliverance Encounter sessions.
Deliverance Encounter sessions are focused on YOU and your unique issues. The Deliverance Encounter allows us to get to the root of your specific issues of spiritual and emotional vulnerability. Our private sessions average 2-3 hours long, during which you will receive intensive, Bible-based, and Gospel-centered Deliverance Counseling, Inner Healing, and Deliverance—all as God ordains. Deliverance Encounters are scheduled formal appointments. They are not informal meetings. Before we sit with you in session, you will have completed the Personal Spiritual Profile (PSP), and you will have read an important document entitled “The Deliverance Process.” Both Mark and Jana conduct private session encounters. Deliverance Encounters are private and confidential.
Private Sessions for Couples
These are called Marriage Encounter sessions.
Premarital, maintenance, and crisis sessions are available. The Invicta Marriage Encounter session focuses on bringing your marriage back into Biblical alignment: as a representation of the Groom and His Bride. The Marriage Encounter also seeks to expose the spiritual (i.e., demonic) roots of sin, strife, and violence in the marriage. The emphasis during a Marriage Encounter is to deliver Bible-based Deliverance Counseling. However, Inner Healing and Deliverance also frequently take place as well during our Marriage Encounters. Like the Deliverance Encounter above, both man and woman will fill out the Personal Spiritual Profile (PSP) as well as read “The Deliverance Process.” And also like the Deliverance Encounter, the Marriage Encounter is also private and confidential.
Deliverance Encounters and Marriage Encounters take place:
In-person at our office in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA
Via Zoom to anywhere in the world. Zoom deliverance ministry allows you to receive Bible-based Deliverance Counseling and the healing of Christ in the privacy of your own home—no matter where you live in the world. Jesus modeled for us how God heals from a distance. Therefore, we teach that virtual tele-ministry sessions are equally as effective as in-person encounters. While there are certain requirements that must be met in order to carry out a Zoom Deliverance Encounter session (you must have a quiet, undisturbed place with good Internet and an adequate camera and microphone), we do believe God for the same powerful results as our in-person private sessions.
We Travel to You to your location. In certain circumstances, we will travel to you if you require one-on-one ministry but are unable to personally come to Fort Lauderdale. A Deliverance Encounter in your city and state/country. Contact us if you would like Invicta Ministries to travel to you.
Call (954) 892-9710 to schedule a Private Session.
A suggested donation to the ministry is requested for each private Deliverance Encounter or Marriage Encounter session.

And having disarmed the powers and authorities, he made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them by the cross.
Colossians 2:15 (NIV)