
By clicking on the red GIVE button above, you are utilizing Cornerstone Payment Processing, our Christian donation processing partner. Ideal for giving using Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express.

By clicking on the yellow DONATE donate button below, you are utilizing PayPal. Our PayPal is:



Address to Donate by Mail:

Invicta Ministries
800 E. Cypress Creek Road, Suite 414
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334

Please make check payable to: Invicta Ministries

Thank you for considering making a financial contribution to Invicta Ministries of Deliverance and Inner Healing.

Your generous blessing allows this ministry to continue to bring the message and power of Christ’s healing to the brokenhearted and the oppressed.

Our online giving is handled primarily through two companies: Cornerstone and PayPal.

Cornerstone is our CHRISTIAN payment processing partner! We urge you to use Cornerstone if possible.

With either Cornerstone or PayPal, you may use either a debit or credit card. With PayPal, you may also utilize your PayPal account.

You do NOT need to have a Cornerstone account or a PayPal account in order to give to Invicta Ministries.

Please consider supporting this ministry with an automatically recurring monthly donation. Both Cornerstone and PayPal give this option.

If you have any issues with Cornerstone, please call us directly. If you have any issues with PayPal, please call 888-221-1161.

We also accept Cash App, Venmo, and Zelle (see below). If you need to utilize another means to give to Invicta, please call us.

We thank you in advance and we bless your financial gift.

The Invicta Team

If we have sown spiritual seed among you, is it too much if we reap a material harvest from you?

1 Corinthians 9:11 (NIV)